The S2S tool offers:
For the Coach:
- a library with practices, readymade sessions and other resources
- prepare training sessions, season and development plans
- game management
- communication system
- reports and statistics for teams and players
- design tools to prepare own drills
- information to parents
- training better at home
- being prepared for the training sessions
- log book per season and accumulated
- overview all coaching and training activities
- field scheduling
- equipment management
- quality assurance
- information system
Now also includes:
Readymade training sessions per age group
with selected favorite drills
Product upgrades are included in the price
“My page” - administer your coaching and training activity
When you log in with your username and password, you will always come to your own My page, whether you have a role as Coach, Player, Others or S2S Admin.
“Library” - a unique collection of skills and drills
The S2S Library is built up around 156 soccer skills - 120 for field players and 36 for goal keepers. It contains more than 1.750 drills and practices shown with video.
Apply ready made training sessions - or prepare your own
It is easy to make your own training session where you select drills from the library, or where you choose from ready made sessions proposed for different age groups.
“Design drills” - make your own practices
With the S2S tool you can design your own drills and practices. You can do this in 2D and 3D animation, or you can make diagrams. Store them in the library or export them to word documents or PP presentations.
Implement ready made season and development plans - or create own
In 5 minutes you can insert a complete ready made season plan into the calendar of the team and it's players. You can also prepare your own Development plan for the different age groups.
“Reports and statistics” - per team and per player
Here will automatically be stored information about trainings, matches and development for the team and for each player - year by year. You can print out Log books and reports for each respective season.